SPCA New Zealand
Advice & welfare - category

Positions - Companion Animals

Results 21-30 of 59, sorted by relevance

  • Responsible Animal Ownership
    SPCA advocates that animals must only be kept as companions when a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
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  • Companion Animals (General)
    SPCA advocates that all animals kept for companionship are provided with suitable shelter, exercise, companionship (where appropriate), veterinary treatment, and food and water to provide a Good Life with positive experiences and meet their physical, health and behavioural needs.
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  • Electric Shock Collars
    SPCA advocates for a ban on the production, importation, sale or use of electric shock collars due to the pain and distress they cause to animals.
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  • Pinch and Prong Collars
    SPCA opposes the production, importation, sale, or use of pinch and prong collars due to the pain and distress they cause to animals.
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  • Training Methods and Devices
    SPCA advocates for the use of low-stress, force-free training methods, which focus on positive reinforcement.
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  • Dazers
    SPCA is concerned about the use of dazers due to their potential to cause welfare compromise. SPCA advocates that alternative techniques are used to control and/or train dogs, such as reward-based training methods to address barking and other unwanted behaviours.
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  • Extendable Bite Sticks
    SPCA advocates that bite sticks should only be carried or utilised by people who follow strict procedural guidelines, are properly trained, understand the circumstances that are appropriate for the use of bite sticks, and who are at risk of encountering aggressive animals.
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  • Fireworks
    SPCA advocates for a ban on the private sale and use of fireworks in New Zealand due to the distress and harm they cause to animals. SPCA advocates that fireworks, pyrotechnics and gas-fired explosions should never be permitted to be used at events involving animals due to the distress they cause animals.
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  • Fish
    SPCA advocates fish must only be kept as companions when a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and meet their physical, health and behavioural needs.
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  • Freeze and Hot Branding (Companion)
    SPCA advocates that the freeze branding of animals must only ever take place when easily visualised permanent identification of an animal is mandatory and when microchipping is not a valid alternative.
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