Positions - Farmed Animals
Results 21-30 of 42, sorted by relevance
SPCA advocates for animals to travel directly from farm-to-farm or from farm-to-slaughterhouse rather than via saleyards.
Shade and Shelter
SPCA advocates for unrestricted access to shade and shelter for all pastorally farmed animals.
SPCA advocates that all farmed animals should be killed humanely.
Transport of Farmed Animals
SPCA advocates that there should be an overall maximum total limit of eight hours for all journeys for farmed animals within New Zealand.
SPCA supports housing systems that provide turkeys with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
Farmed Wild and Non-Domesticated Species
SPCA opposes the farming of wild and non-domesticated species (such as ostriches, emu, animals for fur, and most species of fish) because it is unlikely that farming systems can ensure the animals live a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
Live Export of Farmed and Wild Caught Animals by Sea and Air
SPCA opposes the live export of any farmed or wild-caught animals by sea.
Stunning and Slaughter of Farmed Fish
SPCA advocates for the humane stunning and slaughter of farmed fish.
Animal Welfare in Trade
SPCA advocates that animal products for sale in New Zealand must be produced to welfare standards that meet or exceed New Zealand law, and should be labelled accordingly.
Culling of Male Chicks
SPCA opposes the routine killing of male chicks in the layer hen industry.