Positions - Farmed Animals
Results 31-40 of 42, sorted by relevance
SPCA opposes the use of electroimmobilisation.
Farm Dogs
SPCA advocates that farm dogs must only be kept where a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met for their whole life.
Feedlots and Permanent Off-Paddock Housing
SPCA opposes the farming of cattle in feedlots.
Intensive Winter Grazing
SPCA advocates that winter grazing of cattle is only undertaken when the welfare of the animals is adequately protected.
SPCA is concerned about the welfare harms and death of lambs as a result of early lambing that is scheduled to take place during winter or spring, when temperatures may cause thermal stress.
Layer Hen Housing
SPCA supports housing systems that provide chickens with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
Octopus Farming
SPCA opposes octopus farming due to welfare concerns and a lack of evidence that intensive farming systems can provide octopuses with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
Shearing (Including Crutching and Dagging)
SPCA acknowledges the importance of shearing for the welfare of sheep and other farmed species selected for fibre production.
Social Bonds
SPCA advocates for farming practices in which animals are kept in stable, long-term social groups throughout their lives whenever possible.
Sustainable Farming
SPCA advocates that animal welfare is considered as part of the sustainability in farming.