All animals
Results 91-100 of 197, sorted by relevance
Game Birds
SPCA supports housing systems that provide game birds with choices to experience a Good Life with positive welfare and meet their physical, health, behavioural needs.
Genetic Technologies
SPCA supports the use of genetic technologies to improve the welfare of animals.
SPCA supports farming systems that provide goats with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
Greyhound Racing
SPCA advocates for the end of the New Zealand greyhound racing industry. While greyhound racing continues in New Zealand, SPCA advocates for the greyhound racing industry to improve its practices to provide a Good Life where greyhounds experience positive welfare and meet the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the dogs for the whole of their life.
SPCA advocates for groomers to be independently inspected for compliance with welfare legislation.
SPCA advocates for all companion animals to be regularly groomed, as appropriate for the species and coat type.
Guard Dogs
SPCA advocates that aggressive behaviour in dogs must not be encouraged as this poses a significant, avoidable, and indiscriminate risk to people and other animals. SPCA opposes the use of dogs specifically for the purposes of guarding commercial or private properties.
Guinea Pigs
SPCA advocates that guinea pigs must only be kept as companions when a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
Handling of Farmed Animals
SPCA advocates that all farmed animals be handled using low-stress, force-free handling techniques.
Higher / Tertiary Education
SPCA supports the inclusion of animal welfare science and ethics of animal use components in all higher education or vocational animal-related, farming, and biological science courses.