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Cupcake sales help raise dough for the SPCA

11 September 2018
Cupcake sales help raise dough for the SPCA

SPCA’s goal to help animals in need received a $328,000 boost as a result of its annual Cupcake Day on 6 August.

On top of the funds raised by local volunteers throughout New Zealand, sales of cupcakes at The Coffee Club New Zealand contributed $30,000 to the grand total. The Coffee Club has been Cupcake Day’s main sponsor for the past two years.

A cheque for the funds raised by the popular café brand was presented to SPCA late last week. “We are very proud to support Cupcake Day and to be able to help the SPCA,” says Andy Lucas, Director of The Coffee Club. “Buying a cupcake is an easy, delicious way to support the fantastic work that the SPCA does for New Zealand’s animals. We are really pleased that so many people purchased one this year.”

SPCA CEO, Andrea Midgen said the day was an important success in their efforts to help neglected and abused animals.

“The funds raised by Cupcake Day help keep SPCA going. We can provide vital care to animals that need it, and work towards improving things in the future.

"We are very grateful for all the support we receive from our volunteers and sponsors like The Coffee Club for their fundraising efforts.”

Since it started in 2009, SPCA Cupcake Day has raised over $2.6million and has helped many neglected animals.

The Coffee Club has 63 cafes and restaurants throughout New Zealand that all support SPCA Cupcake Day. For more information on The Coffee Club, including a full list of stores, visit thecoffeeclub.co.nz

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