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SPCA storybook ‘Fireworks Free’ a timely lesson

04 November 2022

With the aim of creating a better future for animals by educating children on how to look out for them, one SPCA storybook from our latest series comes as a timely message in the lead up to Guy Fawkes celebrations.

SPCA storybook ‘Fireworks Free’ a timely lesson

With Guy Fawkes fast approaching, SPCA is once again highlighting the risk and stress fireworks cause to animals, and calling for a total ban on their private sale and use. This year, we have a powerful new tool in our toolkit to help spread this important message.

‘Fireworks Free’ is one of six in our latest series of storybooks, each of which focus on a different subject to teach kids core animal wellbeing lessons through emotive and enriching stories.

This learn-to-read storybook tells the tale of Shiloh and her friends, who begin to investigate the effects of fireworks after her horse, Sammy, is terrified and injured in a fireworks incident. They learn a lot about the negative impacts fireworks can have on animals and the environment, and set out to change that in their town.

“All our storybooks have been written and illustrated to support the development of children’s empathy and compassion for animals,” SPCA Education Manager, Nicole Peddie, says. “The story ‘Fireworks Free’ explores the impact fireworks can have on animals’ physical and mental wellbeing, and encourages children to think about actions that they, and others in their community, can take to help to protect animals from fireworks”

Each year SPCA receives dozens of calls related to fireworks, including animal injuries, frightened animals, missing pets and, occasionally, abuse of animals. With these resources, SPCA hopes to stop this pattern by changing the hearts and minds of our future generation through engaging and thought-provoking stories.

While people often think about indoor animals like cats and dogs during fireworks, the ways in which outdoor animals like horses are impacted by firework use is something often overlooked.

The adventures of Shiloh and her horse Sammy is just one story that encourages the youngest New Zealanders to get thinking about how they can be animal guardians. Kick start your child’s journey to responsible animal guardianship this Guy Fawkes by ordering your own copy of ‘Fireworks Free.’

In addition to the book, our Kids’ Portal has loads of resources for tamaraki wanting to know more about how they can care for the animals around them. Why not visit the SPCA Kids’ Portal to explore our resources, including this one especially about how to keep animals safe around Fireworks.

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