SPCA New Zealand

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SPCA signs petition for mandatory desexing of dogs in New Zealand

21 June 2023

The petition calls to mandate the desexing of dogs in New Zealand with the exception of registered breeders.

SPCA signs petition for mandatory desexing of dogs in New Zealand

The petition was started by Chained Dog Awareness New Zealand (CDANZ), and closes on 25 June 2023.

With the overwhelming number of companion animals in New Zealand, desexing is absolutely critical in improving animal welfare in Aotearoa.

Without improved regulation, the irresponsible and indiscriminate breeding of companion animals has and will continue to contribute to the country’s widespread problems with unwanted animals. The desexing of companion animals is a key component of population control, and has welfare benefits for the desexed animal too.

SPCA advocates for dogs to be desexed before selling or rehoming, except for registered breeding animals or in accordance with veterinary advice for an individual animal.

Desexing is and will remain and key focus for SPCA. In May 2023 we launched our new desexing website. The website was designed to answers common questions around desexing, as well as provide useful information; there is downloadable education material on the benefits of desexing your cat or dog, and these have been translated into six languages.

In addition, the website provides upcoming dates for our Snip ‘n’ Chip campaigns which allows members of the public to book vouchers to get their cats desexed at heavily reduced rates.

SPCA is also launching its new and improved Mobile Desexing Vehicle later this year, which will provide free desexing services to rural communities that are unable to access veterinary care.

The organisation is continuing its partnerships with vet clinics in areas where the need for desexing is high. We just announced our most recent partnership with Bay of Islands Veterinary Services and Coast to Coast Cat Rescue, where SPCA is funding the desexing of 600 animals.

SPCA, along with other rescue and animal welfare organisations, continue to push for legislative change to better protect dogs, including breeding and confinement regulations. SPCA has previously submitted in support of a CDANZ petition to ban the life-chaining of dogs in New Zealand. Following this petition and SPCA’s ‘Break the Chain’ campaign, MPI are currently progressing new regulations around the chaining of dogs.

CDANZ’s petition for the mandatory desexing of dogs can be viewed and signed by 25 June 2023 here.

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