SPCA New Zealand

Our last Walk-in Caturday is happening this Saturday, 15 March! No appointment needed for cat and kitten adoptions – just pop into your local Centre during opening hours.

Meet your new feline companion
Animal Advocacy

Position Statements

Doggy Daycares

SPCA advocates for doggy daycares to be independently inspected for compliance with welfare legislation.

All doggy daycares must comply with the Code of Welfare (Temporary Housing of Companion Animals) 2018 and the Code of Welfare for Dogs. However, doggy daycares are not currently subject to routine inspection and there are no minimum qualifications or experience required to open a doggy daycare.

SPCA recommends dog owners carefully research doggy daycares to ensure the dogs under their care experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.

SPCA recommends that companion animal owners select certified doggy daycare facilities and visit the facility prior to sending their dog.

Doggy daycare staff should be competent and properly trained, with reputable qualifications in relevant subjects such as animal welfare, dog behaviour, and pet first aid. Adequate staff to dog supervision rates are essential for dog safety.

SPCA recommends that a dog’s suitability is assessed on a case-by-case basis, based on consideration of age, temperament, life history, and the safety and suitability of the location.

The doggy daycare environment is not suitable for all dogs and other activities may be more appropriate and enjoyable for them. A reputable doggy daycare will assess dogs’ suitability.

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