Exotic birds
Results 1-5 of 5, sorted by relevance
Caring For Rainbow Lorikeets
Rainbow Lorikeets are very inquisitive and active birds. They are native to Australasia and have a lifespan of approximately 10 years.
Caring For Ring-Necked Parakeets
Indian ring-necked parakeets are very intelligent, social and active birds. They are natives of Africa and India and can live up to 30 years! Most males will have a black line around their neck, which is where they get their name.
Caring For Budgies
Budgies, or Budgerigars, are colourful parakeets native to Australia. They are inquisitive and very social little birds that can live for around 8-12 years. If trained, some budgies can even mimic human speech!
Ask a vetHow to stop my cockatiel from getting bored?I have recently inherited a 6 year old Cockatiel called Barney. I’ve never had a pet bird before and I would like to know what can I do to do to stop him getting bored and give him a good quality of life?
Ask a behaviouristWhy does my pet budgie vomit on his mirror?My pet budgie Pip vomits on his mirror in his cage. Why does he do this?