Timaru Centre
Making a difference in South Canterbury
Volunteer with usThe SPCA Centre in Timaru (formerly South Canterbury SPCA) was formed in April 1910 with the aim of upholding the animal welfare laws in South Canterbury and educating the public by using the services of a part-time inspector and several honorary inspectors. The Timaru Centre is responsible for animal welfare work within the South Canterbury region, reaching from the Rangitata River to the Waitaki River and inland to Twizel.
In 1960, SPCA purchased the current property at Hedley Road and officially opened the Animal Home on 22 April 1961, consisting of one house and a kennel block. More buildings were added over the years to form the Animal Home as it stands today.
Presently, one full-time Centre Manager is employed, along with two part-time employees. Several other staff help out at busy times, and volunteers are used on a daily basis to help run the centre.
Specific enquiries
All cruelty reports should be made by phone: (03) 688-2234
If you wish to make an animal welfare complaint, please call our team on 03 688 2234. We are available to process complaints between 8.30am and 5pm daily (Monday to Sunday). At any time, including outside of these hours, to report any animal welfares concerns you can complete our webform.
If you have found a sick or injured animal, and it is safe to do so, please take it to your nearest vet clinic for emergency care. Please call the Centre on 03 688 2234 for advice. All messages will be followed up by the team as soon as possible.
If you are unable to take the animal to a vet, our team is able to respond to emergencies between 10am – 4pm, Monday –Saturday.
Do not email or Facebook us to report emergencies.
Area Manager
Centre Manager