For animals like Alex, your support means the world.
Here at SPCA, we meet a lot of brave-beyond-belief animals, but we have rarely met an animal with a will to live quite like Alex's.
SPCA was called about an emaciated dog who we rushed right out to check on. He was so emaciated he couldn't stand or even lift his head - we could literally see every bone in his body.
Alex's tail and rear legs were caked in his own waste, as he had been unable to stand to move away to toilet. He looked like a skeleton cloaked in some skin.
But there was a spirit beneath that skin whose strength defied the body it resided in. How did we know? His eyes.
The look in Alex's eyes told me one thing loud and clear: he wasn't giving up.
And we can't give up on him. We need your help to make sure we can always be there for animals who need us.
Please, can you give monthly to be the unwavering light in their darkest hour?
For animals like Alex, your support truly means the world.