SPCA New Zealand
Donate offline

Donate offline

If you prefer not to donate online using your debit or credit card there are several other ways to donate money to SPCA.


The easiest way to make a cash donation is to drop it into reception at any SPCA Centre or SPCA Op Shop.

Credit card donations over the phone

Credit card donations can be made over the phone by calling us on 09 256 7311 between 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday.

Bank transfer

You can transfer money directly to SPCA through your bank to:

Acc. Name: RNZSPCA Incorporated

Acc. Number: 12-3109-0019825-21

Please include your name as a reference and, if you know your supporter ID number, please put in particulars. Then contact us via fundraising@spca.nz with further details of the donation so we can issue you with a receipt.

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