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From Rescued to Rehomed: Moot's Story

03 February 2025

Despite coming into SPCA’s care with injuries, nothing seemed to faze this excitable, sweet girl, whose personality shone throughout her recovery.

From Rescued to Rehomed: Moot's Story

When Moot’s previous owners were unable to provide the vet treatment she desperately needed, she was surrendered to a local vet clinic before being transferred to our Wellington SPCA Centre.

With a badly broken leg and damaged teeth, this girl had clearly been through a lot in her short 12 weeks of life.

Despite her challenging start, our team were amazed by her confidence and her boundless energy.

“She was always such an excitable, bubbly girl, it was actually hard to get her to sit still and rest her leg!” says Sam, one of our Canine Attendants.

“Moot just wasn’t bothered by her injuries. She was always a happy, goofy pup, right from the start.”

After undergoing surgery to repair her badly fractured leg, and dental treatment to remove some damaged teeth, Moot was on the road to recovery.

Moot the SPCA dog wearing a cone after surgery
Moot had surgery to repair her badly broken leg.

As Moot’s leg fracture had been so severe, even after surgery, it meant that the one leg healed slightly shorter than the others.

“Her slightly wonky leg just added to her charm,” says Sam, “and we knew she must’ve been so much more comfortable with that procedure out of the way.”

One of the more challenging parts of the journey for Moot was not being allowed to play and wrestle with the other dogs while she healed. Being such a social dog, she would always head straight to the fence to watch and interact with other dogs.

SPCA dog Moot sitting on chair at Wellington Centre
Moot quickly became a staff favourite at our Wellington Centre.

Thankfully, there were no further complications with her leg, and Moot spent some time with a loving foster family. There, she was able to experience life outside of the shelter environment, and recuperate in a quiet and calm setting.

As time went on, Moot was able to attend puppy school – a real turning point in her journey.

“She really won the hearts of everyone there – humans and dogs alike,” Sam says. “She did so well, and you can tell she loved being able to move around again properly and be social.”

Moot the SPCA dog laying on the ground at puppy school
Moot the SPCA dog laying on the ground at puppy school
Moot showed off her goofy personality at puppy school.

While waiting to be adopted, Moot went on to a second foster home, where she was able to continue improving her social skills. Moot even got on well with their existing cat!

We advertised Moot on our social media channels, hoping to reach her ideal forever family. Thankfully, that day finally came.

“Moot played a little ‘hard to get’ with her new owners just at first; we think she was so used to her vet appointments in our dog run lounge that she was just a little wary of these new people in her space,” Sam says.

“Luckily for us and for Moot, her new mum and sister were in love with her from the word go, and were determined to gain Moot’s trust.”

SPCA dog Moot on walk

Her new mum Cailtin told us they knew straight away that she was the one for them.

“When we first met her she was very nervous, but as soon as we got her outside her goofy gal personality shone though,” Caitlin says.

“After adopting her, she’s settled in so well. She loves cuddles and her squeaky toys, and she loves to make new doggy friends. Every time we go to the dog park, she greets everybody and makes sure she plays with everyone. On weekends, she loves to go on walks with all the dogs in the neighbourhood.”

We’re so pleased that Moot found the loving home she deserves.

Thinking of adopting? Check out all of the animals that are still waiting over at www.spca.nz/adopt.

SPCA dog Moot on bed
Moot is now in her loving forever home.
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